Pros and Cons of middle school

Do you like Middle School more than Elementary? I do. Here are three pros and three cons of Middle School!


  1. More freedom. You get to move around the school between classes without a teacher leading you. Also, you get to choose what you learn about.
  2. You’re more mature than elementary, meaning you get better after-school clubs, better games in P.E., and harder, yet funner, classes.
  3. You aren’t stuck with the exact same people for seven hours each day. You get to know a bunch of new people!


  1. School starts early. In elementary school, some schools start as late as 8:40! Honestly, middle schoolers need nap time more than preschoolers!
  2. No recess. Yes, you can go outside after lunch, but there is no playground, very few balls/equipment, and everyone is crowded in a tiny area.
  3. More rules. There was no “No-phone” policy in elementary school, no one cared about the dress code because it wasn’t very strict, and you have to be at one place at one exact time, which isn’t good if you are slow.

How to make a Stop Motion Video!!!

Making a stop motion video can be easy, you just have to know what you’re doing. Here’s step-by-step instructions on how to do it!


  1. Get your materials. I use legos, but you could use Playdough, clay, or action figures.
  2. Set up your scene. Arrange your materials in the right places.
  3. Take a picture of it.
  4. Without moving your camera, move your materials for the next scene
  5. Take a picture of it
  6. Repeat with every scene.
  7. Once you’ve taken all your pictures, upload them to a device that has a stop motion program
  8. Adjust your speed until it’s just right.
  9. There is no step nine. That’s it!